
a very simple search tool with GUI for use by the family.

This project started a bit out of frustration with the existing tools.


On Linux one can search from the command line with grep or find. No GUI and to complex for my family. Further it's difficult to search in photos because only the few words in the exif comment are interesting, you have to carefully design the command to search the right type of documents.


So if there is nothing that meets my requirement i may have to build my own program. But a good search program is a lot of work hence i started looking for tools:

Select whoosh

Since i know python it's obvious to first try python-whoosh:

Whoosh is a library of classes and functions for indexing text and then searching the index. It allows you to develop custom search engines for your content. It uses only pure Python.

By the way: speed is not an issue. Generating an index of my 40.000 photos takes a few minutes. But that's only done once. Updating is much faster.

Source here:


Provides guidance on updating the index.

After just a few experiments i was already getting useful results.

Henk Speksnijder 20210521